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2011 Catholic Professional of the Year

The 2011 recipient of the “Catholic Professional of the Year” is Jason Grant, Treasurer and Board Member of Catholic Charities of Tennessee.  Jason is a lifelong example of service and sacrifice that exemplifies the vision of the Catholic Business League;  “To connect, develop, and inspire Catholic Professionals to live their faith at work, at home, and in their community.”

Jason leads a Catholic study/prayer group for Men at Holy Family every Friday morning.  This group has served many men over the years and fostered energy into other ministries and service.

Jason is also a founding member of the Knights of Columbus chapter at Holy Family.  With a new membership of over 80 men, he chairs the activities council.  He also has participated in the Holy Family Mission Honduras project.  The team installed a new roof on a school where learning had been interrupted anytime the rain came.  The team did other labor intensive project to improve the living conditions of these kids who need so much but want for so little.

His daughter Avery created the Live WTL Ministries.  She says “it is a place where Catholic teens can come together to connect, learn, and grow in love for God.

As you can see Jason is deserving of this award because of his example of living his Catholic faith “at home, at work, and in our community”  The idea behind this award is to place a great example of a Catholic servant in front of the community here in Nashville.  All nominees have surely lived up to this standard and could be that example.

Please join us in congratulating Jason and these other nominees:

Tom Negri            Lowes-Vanderbilt Hotel
Jerry Boyle            Correct Care Solutions
Scott Mertie             Kraft CPA’s