We welcomed an engaging panel to this morning’s breakfast meeting, as University Catholic chaplain Rev. Rhodes Bolster, CBL members Mike LaLonde and Steve Horvath and Overbrook School principal Sr. Marie Blanchette discussed the launch of a new Fraternus chapter in West Nashville, which will be hosted at Overbrook.
LaLonde led off the discussion by emphasizing that men respond best when challenged, and Fraternus does just that by bringing men to the forefront of acting as role models for boys and young men in their faith formation. While the program is not strictly designed to promote religious discernment among young men, he noted that numerous Fraternus participants — including Rev. Bolster himself — have gone forth to pursue the seminary and priesthood. LaLonde also pointed out that, while many men will say that they don’t have the time to make such a commitment, the only answer in this case is a call to God: “You’ll help me get through this work, Lord. You’ll help me make it through whatever challenge may be keeping me from making this happen.”
In tandem with that, Rev. Bolster highlighted how much he enjoyed the brotherhood of Fraternus — which taught him how to have a real living relationship with God — while he was a student at Father Ryan High School. He noted that Fraternus helped him to realize that the Catholic faith actually has the answers to the struggles of adulthood that we all encounter, and it later helped him to understand that he wanted to bring that experience — teaching people how to pray and grow closer to God — to others, which he has done through priesthood since his ordination in 2019.
“This program is just a brotherhood of men who are called to live their spiritual lives and mentor younger men to do the same,” Rev. Bolster said. “I wouldn’t be the same man without it.”
Danny Snyder, who started Nashville’s inaugural chapter of Fraternus at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Hendersonville, also spoke briefly with a constructive challenge for all men in attendance. “We are too lukewarm,” Snyder said, “and we need to stop being lukewarm. Because our sons are watching us. And our daughters are watching us. Our spouses are watching us, and Fraternus gives men the chance to be around other men who ‘get it.’”
Sr. Marie Blanchette was the final speaker, and she pointed out the impact of male role models on boys and young men. As students in school, they’re primarily around their teachers, the majority of whom are …. female. But the young men really look up to the male role models who have a positive influence on them, she said, “because it influences who they are, who they become and what kind of father they’ll become. The ripple effect is huge, and we’ll only see that when we get to Heaven.”
Fraternus invites you to the upcoming Fraternus/Seminarian Bowl (December 28) and the West Nashville Chapter Wednesday Frat Nights. For more information about Fraternus, please visit the website at www.fraternus.net.
Our thanks to all attendees, and best wishes to all of you during this holiday season! We hope you have a merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, when we’ll welcome Kate Guerra of the Tennessee Titans on January 9, 2025!
NOTE: Fraternus is not affiliated with Overbrook, as Fraternus already has additional chapters at Cathedral, Our Lady of the Lake, St. Edward, St. Philip and St. Rose. The new West Nashville chapter is simply being housed at (hosted by) Overbrook.