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Diocese’s Brian Cooper Enlightens a Packed House

Growing up with a widowed, elderly mother in a trailer park outside of Minneapolis, MN, Brian Cooper’s life could have gone in a number of directions. He’s fully aware of this, and as he enlightened a packed house at The Fleming Center on Thursday morning, he spoke of the different times in his life where he faced a “fork” in the road.
The first was when he was a teenager, and he was given a job that afforded him no time to hang out with less-than savory peers in his neighborhood. This job led to him being accepted to Arizona State University, where he majored in accounting and began his wildly successful business career.

The next fork came when he met his wife, a Catholic from birth, and decided to convert to Catholicism. On Easter Sunday, 2007, Brian officially became a member of the Catholic Church.

This decision led him to his next, which was, at age 50, turning down his “dream” job, and deciding that he no longer wanted to work the long hours that came with another big job. He retired, and he and his wife determined that a move to Nashville was the best decision for them with their kids grown and out of the house.

In Nashville, Brian became heavily involved with his parish, Christ the King, and the Diocese, and after meeting Bishop Spalding, it was obvious the two men understood one another. Brian was inspired by the Bishop’s passion and ideas for the Diocese, and Bishop Spalding was equally impressed with Brian’s dedication to the church and knew that his business background could be an asset. He offered to create a new position in the Diocese for Brian – Chief Administrative Officer – and it is in this role that Brian now works as a “servant” for the Diocese’s members.
Brian outlined a few of the exciting goals that he, Bishop Spalding and the rest of the Diocesan staff have planned for the Diocese. One of these is a streamlined look for the Diocese’s website and marketing materials, creating a branded and unified feel.

It’s 2018, and the Diocese must adapt and be ahead of the times. With Brian at the helm on the business side, bringing his experience and passion to the table, they will get there without question.